Discover the New Gems of English: 2024’s Latest Additions

In 2024, new words have been added to the English language. These words show how our experiences, technology, and culture are changing. Knowing these new words can help people learning English understand what’s happening now. Let’s look at some of these new words.

1.      Techlash -This term describes the increasing public criticism of big technology companies. It also shows how people are getting more upset with them. They’re worried about things like privacy and fake news. Discussions about ‘techlash’ are becoming very important as we rely more on technology.

Sentence – During our conversation about online privacy concerns, I heard Sarah discussing the techlash against social media platforms.

2.      Eco-anxiety This term refers to the increasing number of people worried about the worsening environment and climate change. It’s about people’s stress and fear about what might happen to the planet.

Sentence – During our climate change conversation, Ruby told me she feels stressed and worried about the environment, which she called eco-anxiety.

3.      Zoomtown This term refers to smaller towns or cities where more people are moving because of remote work, which became more common during the pandemic. People are leaving crowded cities to find a better life in these places. This term shows how work and where we live are changing.

Sentence – Max explained how, once quiet and remote, his hometown has become a bustling Zoomtown, attracting remote workers seeking a change of pace.

4.      Infodemic A blend of ‘information’ and ‘epidemic,’ this term refers to the rapid spread of misinformation or too much information about a problem, making it difficult to identify solutions. It gained prominence in public health crises, where accurate information is crucial.

Sentence – During our discussion about COVID-19, Ruby mentioned how the infodemic of misinformation on social media platforms has made it difficult to distinguish between reliable and false information.

5.      Quaranteam This word combines “information” and “epidemic.” It means too much wrong information spreads fast about a problem, making it challenging to find real solutions. This is a big deal during health crises; getting the correct information is super important.

Sentence  – Mia organised a picnic with her quaranteam, a small group of friends who had stayed connected virtually throughout the pandemic.

6.      Digital Detox ‘Digital detox’ means taking a break from using digital devices like smartphones, computers, and social media. People do this to feel less stressed and to improve their lives.